
May 4-10, 2024
Saturday through Friday

May 6-7 | Main conference

The main conference takes place on May 6-7, featuring thought-provoking talks, workshops, and panel discussions from industry leaders and experts.

Dive into a wide range of topics, including functional programming, distributed systems, machine learning, AI, and more! Immerse yourself in learning and networking opportunities, and leave inspired and ready to tackle new challenges.

7:30 AM
Registration & Setup
8:00 AM
Morning Free Time
9:00 AM
FP Meets OS: The Case Of I/O
Vitaly Bragilevsky
All rooms
10:00 AM
The Future At The Edge: Cloud Edge Devices - Large Scale Data Processing, Ops And Challenges At The Cloud Edge
Alok Shankar
Room A
Novel Markup Language Editing System
James Carlson
Room B
Building And Running An AI-Powered Product
Valentina Halasi
Room C
Comparing Approaches To Structured Concurrency
James Ward & Adam Hearn
Room D
Event-Driven Serverless Architecture With DynamoDB
Swetha Salunke
Room E (Trail Ridge)
11:00 AM
Distributed Computing: Challenges And Solutions In Edge IOT Landscape
Vipin Sharma
Room A
The Best We Can Do?
Jim Duey
Room B
Leveraging Metrics And Generative AI: A Core Platform Approach To Developer Bliss
Ajay Chankramath
Room C
Unlock The Power Of Property-Based Testing
Jose Trigueros
Room D
Efficient Resource Management: Scaling, Monitoring, Logging, And Optimizing Heterogeneous Server Architectures
Madhu Patel
Room E (Trail Ridge)
11:30 AM
Transactional Serverless With DBOS
Max Demoulin
Room A
The Best We Can Do?
Jim Duey
Room B
Writing A Type-Safe HTML Template Language For Roc
Isaac Van Doren
Room C
Introducing Ballerina: A Pragmatic Programming Language Designed for Cloud-Native Apps
Sameera Jayasoma
Room D
​​Fine-Tuning Large Language Models with Declarative ML Orchestration
Shivay Lamba
Room E (Trail Ridge)
12:00 PM
Code As Law
Amanda Graham
Room A
Making Nock Fly
Edward Amsden
Room B
The Cutting Edge Of Versioning
Chris Krycho
Room C
Scalable Analytics On Heterogenous Semi-Structured Data
Dan Harris
Room D
Functional Programming: Failed Successfully
Alexander Granin
Room E (Trail Ridge)
1:00 PM
Conference Lunch 🍔 - Aspen Courtyard
2:00 PM
Timeline Analytics With Golem Backend
Afsal Thaj
Room A
An Interview With Jonathan Blow
Jonathan Blow & John A. De Goes
Room B
Julia: Practical Restrictions For A Scientific-Computing Language
Julia Belyakova
Room C
The Nexus Of Innovation: How Knowledge Graphs Fuel AI Scientific Breakthroughs
Pooja Arora
Room D
Unlocking Product Growth With Big Data, Data Science And Machine Learning
Poornima Muthukumar
Room E (Trail Ridge)
2:30 PM
Actually Functional Blockchain Design
Luke Champine
Room A
CoSy : APL Evolved As An Open Vocabulary In Forth
Bob Armstrong
Room B
The Unreasonable Performance Of The Julia Language
Artem Pelenitsyn
Room C
Easy Build Plugins With Mill
Nathan Fischer
Room D
The Rise of AI: A Reality  Check on Generative AI
Utkarsh Mittal
Room E (Trail Ridge)
3:00 PM
Revisiting Microservice Composition With The Delegator Pattern
Devon Stewart
Room A
Shrubbery: Application Development For Urbit
Liam Fitzgerald
Room B
Building Trust In The AI Era: How We Build A Multi-Tenant Developer Productivity Platform While Preserving Data Privacy And Security
Dennis Pilarinos
Room C
Type Safety Or Security Theater: Using Servant And Yesod As Case Studies
Adam McCullough
Room D
Building Your Own Trading Bot In F#
Nikhil Barthwal
Room E (Trail Ridge)
4:00 PM
Functional Web Apps: A New Paradigm For Web Development
Brian LeRoux
Room A
The Nano-parsing Architecture: Sane And Portable Parsing For Perverse Environments
Aaron Hsu
Room B
ChatGPT Unleashed: From Code Wizards to Silly Shenanigans!
David Giard
Room C
Learn New Languages With Developer Containers In VS Code
Joseph Guadagno
Room D
The Faster, The Cheaper. How A Functional Architecture Makes A Complex Distributed System Fast And Cheap Under High Traffic.
Michele Riva
Room E (Trail Ridge)
4:30 PM
Intro To Progressive Web Apps
Chris Lorenzo
Room A
Floating-Point Arithmetic On Deterministic Systems
N E Davis
Room B
Resistance Is Futile. Adopting AI Into Developer Workflows Without Destroying Your IP Or Our Planet
Garth Gilmour
Room C
Building Private And Secure Applications Easily Using The Sunscreen Fully Homomorphic Encryption Compiler And Rust
Ryan Orendorff
Room D
Prototype Object-Orientation Functionally
François-René Rideau
Room E (Trail Ridge)
5:00 PM
Intro To Progressive Web Apps
Chris Lorenzo
Room A
Floating-Point Arithmetic On Deterministic Systems
N E Davis
Room B
Resistance Is Futile. Adopting AI Into Developer Workflows Without Destroying Your IP Or Our Planet
Garth Gilmour
Room C
Pawel Szulc
Room D
Prototype Object-Orientation Functionally
François-René Rideau
Room E (Trail Ridge)
5:30 PM
Use.GPU - Declarative/Reactive 3D Graphics
Steven Wittens
All rooms
7:30 AM
Registration & Setup
8:00 AM
Morning Free Time
9:00 AM
WebAssembly Update: The Proposals, Wasi, And The Component Model
Brian Sletten
All rooms
10:00 AM
Distributed Systems Wizardry
John A. De Goes
Room A
Living The Loopless Life: Techniques for Removing Explicit Loops And Recursion
Aaron Hsu
Room B
A Lazy Scheme In Haskell
André M van Meulebrouck
Room C
Malebolgia - Structured Concurrency For Nim
Andreas Rumpf
Room D
An (In-)Complete Guide To C++ Object Lifetimes
Jonathan Müller
Room E (Trail Ridge)
11:00 AM
Golem And The WASM Component Model
Daniel Vigovszky
Room A
NumPy Vs APL
Max Sun
Room B
Devops Goes Promptastic
Jayneeta Sinha
Room C
Love, Hate, And Policy Languages
Gabriel L. Manor
Room D
Durable Execution With Restate
Till Rohrmann
Room E (Trail Ridge)
11:30 AM
How To Observe Your Blazor WebAssembly Application With OpenTelemetry And Real User Monitoring?
Harry Kimpel
Room A
NumPy Vs APL
Max Sun
Room B
Devops Goes Promptastic
Jayneeta Sinha
Room C
Love, Hate, And Policy Languages
Gabriel L. Manor
Room D
Durable Execution With Restate
Till Rohrmann
Room E (Trail Ridge)
12:00 PM
Building a Scalable, Open Source Data Platform For Your Application Using Apache Iceberg
Ryan Nowacoski
Room A
Generic Glyphs, Different Domains
Josh David
Room B
Take Your RAG To The Max!
Max Gfeller
Room C
Rust's Module System For Effective Software Architecture
Natalie Serebryakova
Room D
The Quiplash Showdown: Go vs Scala
Jim Weinert
Room E (Trail Ridge)
12:30 PM
Exploring Malicious Lambda Layers
Elijah Lord & Maxwell Bruce
Room A
Types Are Not Safe
Isaac Shapira
Room B
Take Your RAG To The Max!
Max Gfeller
Room C
Make Your Security Policy Auditable
Nicolas Fränkel
Room D
The Quiplash Showdown: Go vs Scala
Jim Weinert
Room E (Trail Ridge)
1:00 PM
Conference Lunch 🍔 - Aspen Courtyard
2:00 PM
The AI Elections: How Technology Could Shape Public Sentiment
Martin Förtsch & Thomas Endres
All rooms
3:00 PM
Doing Serverless On AWS With Terraform For Real
Anton Babenko
Room A
Building Better TTRPGs With Functional Thinking
Jack Danna
Room B
Designing A Functional Document Processor
Alperen Keles
Room C
Implementing a Categorical Digital Twin
Matthew Fuchs
Room D
Optimizing Omnichannel Order Fulfillment With AI And Advanced Analytics
Jubin Thomas
Room E (Trail Ridge)
3:30 PM
The State Of Kotlin/Wasm
Zalim Bashorov
Room A
From Bash To Nix
Oren Rozen
Room B
Fast And portable LLM Inference With WebAssembly And Rust
Michael Yuan
Room C
Effect: A Functional Foundation For TypeScript
Michael Arnaldi
Room D
Porting Turborepo from Go to Rust
Nicholas Yang
Room E (Trail Ridge)
4:30 PM
Is Serverless A Viable Approach For Your Multi-Cloud Strategy?
Tomislav Tipuric
Room A
PLAN: Purely Functional Programming With Batteries Included
Jack Ek
Room B
Beyond Metrics: Orchestrating Developer Delight With AI driven Platform Engineering
Chris Westerhold
Room C
“Seeing Like a Programmer” – Resiliency, Limits, And Moral Hazards In Software Engineering
Chris Krycho
Room D
Scalable Innovation: Exploring Multi-Agent Systems
Samia Rahman & Nimisha Asthagiri
Room E (Trail Ridge)
5:30 PM
Liveness, Literacy, Local First, Lambdas And Llamas
Gilad Bracha
All rooms

Saturday -May 4-

Craft beer tasting! Start your LambdaConf experience with fun and engaging pre-conference activities.

sunday -May 5-

Volunteer appreciation dinner

Monday -May 6-

Conference registration
Conference sessions
Speaker dinner

Tuesday -May 7-

Conference sessions
Conference Closing Party & Dinner

Wednesday -May 8-

All day
LambdaConf Hackathon: API Challenge. A live, collaborative effort to transform APIs into extraordinary applications.

thursday–Friday-May 9-10-

All day
Rust Programming Language Workshop by John A. De Goes. FREE for conference attendees!
Starting from: $500

Unchain your mind at LambdaConf 2024

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